K8s – Question5

Use context: kubectl config use-context k8s-c1-H

There are various Pods in all namespaces. Write a command into /opt/course/5/find_pods.sh which lists all Pods sorted by their AGE (metadata.creationTimestamp).

Write a second command into /opt/course/5/find_pods_uid.sh which lists all Pods sorted by field metadata.uid. Use kubectl sorting for both commands.

Sorting Kubernetes Pods by Creation Timestamp and UID

When managing a Kubernetes cluster, you may need to sort and view Pods based on their creation timestamp or unique identifier (UID). In this post, we’ll demonstrate how to achieve this using simple shell scripts.

Useful Resource: kubectl Cheat Sheet

Before diving into the scripts, it’s worth mentioning that the kubectl cheat sheet is an excellent resource for many Kubernetes commands and operations. You can easily find it by searching for “cheat sheet” in the Kubernetes documentation.

Script 1: Find Pods Sorted by Creation Timestamp

The first script will list all Pods in the cluster, sorted by their creation timestamp:

To execute the script, simply run:

This will output a list of Pods sorted by their age:

Script 2: Find Pods Sorted by UID

The second script will list all Pods, sorted by their unique identifier (UID):

To execute this script, run:

This will output a list of Pods sorted by their UID:

These simple scripts are helpful for organizing and viewing Kubernetes Pods based on different criteria like creation time or UID. By leveraging the flexibility of kubectl, you can easily manage and troubleshoot your Kubernetes environment more effectively.


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